Saturday, September 18, 2010

Time Management Involving a J O B!

As you all should know, college isn't cheap. and most people in college end up getting a work study and work on campus or get a job working somewhere else. Well I was in the same predicament, I was offered a job at the Eli Whitney Museum. I had worked their over the summer and throughout high school I would work during the weekends, but now they were offering me a pretty much part-time job after school. It was totally my choice so I decided to accept the offer and see how things would go.
Since I got out of school practically everyday at around noon I would leave from campus and head straight over to the Museum to get started. But thats when things normally got a little tricky. Primarily because I would still have homework and studying that I would need to do for the next day of class and at the same time I would be working from noon till around 6 or 7, not to mention all of the normal duties I would have to take care of when I got home. So time management with a job just made things a little more difficult. But in the end I worked something out with my boss to where I would be able to work at 1 and get most of my homework done at the Museum before I started working for that hour. So things ended up turning out okay. But for those of you who don't have that option to do your school work before you had to go "work" I commend you, because its not the easiest thing to do. And it isn't and easy task for me to accomplish  now. But in order to get what I want in college and if I want to have some money in my pocket for things like; a car, clothes, and just general essentials. I'm going to have to ride it out until something better pops up.

-Captain DJ
-College Superhero

1 comment:

  1. Try to use more pictures and links because the ones that you have used in other posts have really helped you posts become more interesting. Otherwise this was great!
