Monday, September 13, 2010

"Challenge" is an UNDERSTATEMENT!

College, College, College. Its SO different from the whole "high school scene" especially considering the fact that this college superhero lives off campus. I was so in my comfort zone as a senior in high school but the whole idea of becoming a freshman again and having to meet ALL NEW PEOPLE, ALL OVER AGAIN was just stressful, and don't even get me started on my thoughts on the amount of work I expected to have my 1st week of classes. I mean and movies never really help, you could one minute watch one movie about college and how it was the most interesting time of their life: parties left and right, friends all around, classes were a breeze, but then the next minute you could watch a movie about college where the kid is having the most miserable time: failing almost all his classes, on academic probation, always alone, no friends, the list goes on. But I didn't want to be that person, I wanted to be the guy that would enjoy his college experience and I would start on a good note with coming into my first week of college with a positive state of mind and attempting to stay on top of my work.
And now I bring you to my first challenge as a college freshman (if that first paragraph wasn't enough). I walked into my freshman Western Civilization class and by the end of the class I was told we were going to have a quiz on the WHOLE MAP OF EUROPE at the beginning of the next week of classes! That made my heart sink especially considering that I wasn't very fond of the map of Europe (hell I can just barely remember all the states in America).
But this wasn't one of those happy ending stories where the kid studies really hard and ends up with an "A" in the end, because at the end of the day life just doesn't always happen like that. But I did better than I expected. I mean I got a "D" not the grade I would have wanted, not by a long shot but it was the first time I had realized how "studying" was so important in college. I mean in high school when you have a quiz or a test you spend some time in class going over the basics of what would most likely appear on the test. But in college its the exact opposite, you would get the notes for the quiz in class and the rest was up to how well you study, and how well you could retain your information and spit it all out on a test.
*sigh* Well in conclusion that "D" made me realize that I would have to figure out a more efficient and effective way of studying if I wanted to pass for the semester. I haven't figured that one completely out yet, but I will eventually. But on the brighter side, I get to take the test over so hopefully I'll do better the next time.

-Captain DJ
-The College Superhero!

1 comment:

  1. i like this post and i like the whole college super hero thing u got going
