Thursday, September 2, 2010

Getting to know the College Superhero!

Family: Family is VERY IMPORTANT to me. I love my family and all the people in it. I mean without my family I probably wouldn’t be the lovable, funny, easy-going type of guy I am today. I tend to spend a lot of time with my family because they’re so important to me. At least twice a week I’m doing something somewhere with my Mom, Dad, and little Brother. Family=Importance!

[My cousins and I Summer 10'] 

Friends: My friends are so AWESOME! I would do anything for my friends.My friends are like the exact opposite to my family in some ways. They show me the same love as if they were family, but at the same time I can do and be myself around them 100%. I love my pals. Lol.

[Friends. You gotta love em']

Humor: Humor is also a BIG part of my life. I love to laugh. My philosophy is “why spend time being upset, when you can be happy. Life is too short”. I love being funny, making people laugh, doing things that keep people happy. Its like I find enjoyment in making other people laugh. Others laughter makes me laugh. And “if your not laughing, your not living”- Carlos Mencia

Music: Music makes my life so EXCITING. I mean I’m not really good at making music but listening to it makes me happy. Music in general puts a smile on my face. I mean I don’t necessarily have any preferences but every and anything with a good sound is most likely on my iPod. I <3 music. 

Creativity: I always considered myself a creative person. One who always LOVED to think outside of the box. I was never really the type of guy to get his “style” from someone else. I always liked to go out and try new things. I mean most people don’t like to be considered different, but me on the other hand, being different makes me special. And special is the new cool. =]

-Captain DJ      
-College Superhero


  1. I love the picture you put up of your family. Family is very important to me as well and I miss them very much.

  2. This post seems like a very good look into your life. I like the details you used.
