Saturday, October 30, 2010

Something Outside The "Comfort Zone"

So, coming from the "leadership" high school called Hyde, we spent a lot of time living our high school life outside of our comfort zone. We were trained to do so from our first day of freshman year, so getting outside of my comfort zone isn't as difficult for me to do anymore. So this Friday I was out with a couple of friends and we decided we would go to the mall. What made this trip to the mall more fun was that we decided to live the day as different, more outgoing people. I was that day my outgoing alter ego "Shaun Black" (a New York native who moved to CT to go to college). Ultimately we decided to do this just because it would be another chance to act stupid with my friends and create some new memories, but the day turned out being pretty enjoyable. Some people were really open to meeting people and getting to meet and learn about different people, while others were really stuck up, or spooked by the idea of someone just saying "hi" or something else. But at the end of the day we admitted to all the people we met who we actually were but getting outside of my comfort zone that day was really fun. We met a lot more people than we would have normally met just because we were constantly introducing ourselves, smiling, and getting to know people. At the end of the day were were pretty please with the way the day went and amazed by all the new found friends we met.

-Captain Dj
College Superhero

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