Saturday, November 20, 2010

Leader Moment.

One instance in my life where I had and still have to be a leader is while I'm working. I have been working at the Eli Whitney Museum for some time now (6 years I think) and I'm now considered one of the old and wise. I'm one of the few people who have stuck around at the Museum and know a lot of the basics you need to survive at my job. And since I have all this knowledge I'm one of the people that has to portray my leadership skills in a positive way and lead the younger workers to get to the point where I am. Especially now, since were in the process of hiring a lot of new people again and when we hire new people we pretty much drop the into the deep end of the pool and hope that they figure out how to swim. And once these "newbies" realize they have a couple other workers they can turn to for help and guidance we have to put our best foot forward and lead them in the correct direction. In being a leader I have made a lot of new friends on the job and I feel as though alot more people can trust me with more difficult jobs and can come to me when they need help getting things sorted out on my job. I think being a leader on my job though is fun most of the time. You get to give the smaller and newer kids the more annoying jobs while you can take the simple type of jobs for yourself. While on the other hand being a leader involves a lot of responsibility because if you tell someone to do something, and they do it wrong, your going to end up being the one yelled at by the big boss. So being a leader is kind of a good and bad deal. On one hand you get great power but on the other, great responsibility. (Got that from Uncle Ben.)

Difficult Situation

This semester I was faced with a difficult situation on whether or not to drop my geography 100 or 101 class that I had no interest in and was most likely not doing so well in also. IN the end I ended up dropping the course. But the difficult part was weighing the options of trying to stick it out and hope for the best or just take a different class in relation to my major. It was a difficult decision because I was forced to basically quit or struggle, and in my case I quit. I wouldn't consider myself a "quitter" but in this situation college revolves around your GPA and if I were to have one less class that would effect my GPA in a bad way it would be good for me. So that was what I ended up basing my decision on in the end. Also because I'm pretty okay if I don't end up graduating in 4 year because I have some time before anyone is going to have to pay for my college and I'm pretty much the one paying for my college experience right now anyway with loans and what-not. So I'm not in a hassle to get out of here quickly because I would rather stay here longer and retain the information I'm learning than to get out of college as quick as possible and ending up not learning to much while I was here in the first place. Soooo in conclusion, sometimes a difficult situation may come about in your life but when this situation confronts you and you have the time, weigh your options. I mean if the decision isn't one of those fight or flight kind of ideas really take the time out to think over your options and do whats best for you in the end.

-Captain DJ
-College Superhero